Definitely the weirdest entry on this list, I’m honestly not sure how I can sum it up into words what this blog is even about - I’ll try to - but you should go check it out for yourself instead. Launched in 2000, at its best BoingBoing combines the seriousness of politics with wicked dark humor as well as producing beautifully strange posts about the goings-on in Hollywood and even stranger articles about the odd stuff people get up to behind closed doors. As I said, it's hard to explain, but go check it out for yourself. You. Will. Not. Regret. It.
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Boing Boing is the Web's favorite site devoted to technology, entertainment, and culture. Launched in 1989 as a print 'zine and still... at
Boing Boing is a website, first established as a zine in 1988, later becoming a group blog.Common topics and themes include technology, futurism, science fiction, gadgets, intellectual property, Disney, and left-wing politics.It twice won the Bloggies for Weblog of the Year, in 2004 and 2005. The editors are Mark Frauenfelder, David Pescovitz, Carla Sinclair, and Rob Beschizza, [1] and the ... at
Boing Boing is the Web's favorite site devoted to technology, entertainment, and culture. Launched in 1989 as a print 'zine and still... at
A Directory of Mostly Wonderful Things. Click to read Boing Boing, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers. at
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bOING bOING was a zine that covered comic books, cyberpunk, science fiction, and more. Read some of the interviews and articles from the 1989-1997 issues, featuring William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, Kevin Kelly, and others. at
Boing Boing is an award-winning online publication that covers culture, technology, science, politics and more. Meet the editors, publishers, contributors and sysadmin of this eclectic and influential site. at
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Boing Boing: Your Daily Dose of the Extraordinary Since 2001, Boing Boing has been the Internet's go-to source for uncovering the fascinating, the bizarre, and the cutting-edge. Our team of veteran journalists scours the web every day to bring you the most captivating content, always with our signature perspective that you won't find anywhere else. at
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