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Camp is Gambino’s debut studio album, released in November 15, 2011. The album is themed around a summer camp, ending with a monologue where Gambino tells a story about confessing his love for a ... at
Find the lyrics of the catchy theme song of Camp Camp, an animated web series about a summer camp for superheroes and villains. The song is written and performed by Miles Luna, the creator of the show. at
Camp Granada (Comedy) Hello Mudda, hello Fadda, Here I am at Camp Granada. Camp is very entertaining, And they say we'll have some fun if it stops raining. I went hiking with Joe Spivy; He developed poison ivy. You remember Leonard Skinner; He got ptomain poisoning last night after dinner. All the counselors hate the waiters, And the lake has ... at
Camp Camp Theme Song Song Lyrics: OHHHHH~ / There's a place I know / That's tucked away; / A place where you and I can stay / Where we can go to laugh and play / And have adventures everyday! / I ... at
Hello Mudder,Hello Father,Here I am atCamp GranadaCamp is veryEntertainingAnd they say we'll have some fun if it stops raining.I went hikingWith Joe SpiveyHe developedPoison ivyYou rememberLeonard SkinnerHe got tomaid poisoning last night ... at
Good morning Campers! I'm your Uncle Ernie And I'll welcome you to Tommy's Holiday Camp The camp with the difference Never mind the weather at
How to Lead Camp Songs. Enthusiasm. Our favorite expression is “Enthusiasm can’t be taught, it has to be caught!” Get into it! Pick a song or two that become “your song.” Every successful camp have camp counselors who are known for “their song.” Most importantly, let other staff have “their song,” to spread the enthusiasm. at
Latest lyrics videos. at
I sing for you and only you Wherever I go I find you You’re in the sound of every hello In everything I do You’re the song I was destined to know at
Watch: New Singing Lesson Videos Can Make Anyone A Great Singer hello mudda, hello fadda here i am at camp granada camp is very entertaining they say we'll have some fun when it stops raining i went hiking with joe spivy he developed poison ivy you remeber leonard skinner he got ptomaine poisoning last night after dinner all the counslers hate the waiters and the lake has alligators and the ... at